Q1: Why your price is so cheap?

A1:As we are the original factory,direct sale to customers.Strictly quality control from material to produce,we are happy to cooperate with any lovers who has interest to join us,dropshipping or delaer, wholesale all avaliable,please contact our email: support@trucfri.com

Q2: When my order will be shipped ?
A2: Your package will ship out within1 business days,delivery time will be 2-5 business days. 

Q3: Can I check the status of my order?

A3:We will send you an order confirmation email immediately after receiving your order, so you get verification that your order was properly received. We will also send you a shipment confirmation email when your order leaves our warehouse.

Q4: Does Trucfri charge sales tax?

A4: Sales tax is included in our price. You don't have pay again in checkout. 

Q5: What is your shipping policy?

A5: Free shipping for all orders.You can check out our shipping policy here.

Q6: What is your return policy?

A6:Our return policy lasts 30 days. For more information, you could check out our return policy

Q6: How do you protect my information?

A6: Trucfri is committed to keep your personal information safe and private.Your data is stored through Shopify's data storage, databases and the general Shopify application. They store your data on a secure server behind a firewall. For more info, please check out in our privacy policy.